I’m really glad I stopped to read this Poorna. It’s a wonderful piece of writing that I relate to, I’m 52. I love to see myself in someone’s eloquent writing what I don’t have words for myself but know. Thank you. ☺️ there is a great book called Hagitude by Sharon Blackje I’d like to recommend.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Poorna Bell

Loved this piece, particularly the thoughtful move away from cognitive dissonance to posture how two things can be true at the same time, like mellowing towards certain things and breathing righteous rage over everything else.

Just wait until you cross the threshold of 45 and experience the brilliant expansion of your inner hag. PHE and BHE (Big Hag Energy) are legit states of consciousness.🔥

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Ha ha love to hear it!

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I love the notion of protective hag energy. Something to really lean into in this life stage 💪🏻

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So good. I'm experiencing the same, in regards to feeling protective over younger women. I'm almost 38, so still a child myself 😅 but I do feel like I'm entering my untouchable era. I started going to the gym in January and the confidence I have in there now is amazing.

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absolutely love this. Yes to protective hag energy, which I see here as empowering and strong. not to be confused with “miserable hag energy” which is just too depressing and a term I use for people who just hate everything 😅

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Ha ha ha thanks Emma!

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Yes!! I seem to feel rage and anger more (I think I just allow it now) the older I get. I was speaking with my daughter recently (she's 46) who was committing to doing something she didn't want to do, because she'd feel guilty if she said no.. every time we say yes when we really want to say no takes us a little further away from ourselves. Hags unite 😉

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Thank you Poorna, I feel so validated that I am not just the only raging midlife woman in the room! I am surprised but my sudden waves of anger that swell in me more often now at 47. Agree, I just want to be left alone and i cant just put up with pleasantries anymore. But it feels good as it has been suppressed for most of my life. Cheers to my fellow hags!

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Great writing as always, Poorna.

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Relate to this so much - now that's I'm 44, I feel really protective towards younger women (particularly on public transport) and angry when I see them being polite out of fearfulness. Of course, there are still times when I'm polite out of fearfulness, but I'm definitely moving out of that era and into big hag energy!

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I love this idea of powerful, protective hag energy.

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Gorgeous! So many things in this that I loved. I really appreciate the protective hag energy. I’m so grateful to be middle-aging alongside so many insightful and creative women talking about it. Particularly ones who are taking up wrestling.

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Thanks for this post! All truths - the clarity (if you’re open to it) as you get older. The rage and all the things you realize you just don’t have to do or be for others.

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Thanks for writing this. Concur on how I'm way way more mellow about some things (saying no and letting things go, for example), and utterly furious about other things. I quite like that I have a different balance, with my fury retained for more important stuff, and Mama Bear energy about young women in particular ✨

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