Aug 30Liked by Poorna Bell

I had a grief of a different sort from yours when my husband left suddenly after 25 years of marriage. I can relate to so much of what you say about living it out and turning to the light now.

When he left me at the start of 2020, there were two things that would wake me up in panic. 1) what will happen at Christmas? 2) how will we separate the finances? We had had a joint account since our early 20s and he dealt with most financial matters.

A close friend said to me 'you can do it'. And I did! I learnt it all, had to watch the pennies very closely but now I love the liberation of knowing where every penny goes. Now i realise that it wasn't very feminist not to know.

Finances, pensions etc - you can do it xx

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Thank you Katie! It feels overwhelming and I’m proud of what I’ve done so far - pensions, setting up a fund but still feel like I have no clue what I’m doing! One step at a time I feel - and sending big hugs to you

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Aug 30Liked by Poorna Bell

You are allocating words to so many feelings felt by others in a similar situation who simply don’t have that capacity to do that. Brava 👏 Thank you xx

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Thank you Jane 💜

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Thank you for every wisely-written word of your journey here... Peace & hugs, Lx

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I really relate to this. My mum died when she was 37 and I could never really imagine my life beyond that age for myself. Now I’m 39 and I still can’t imagine it! The thought of being significantly older than she ever got to be is so strange. My mind cannot compute the childlike longing I feel for her now as an older adult. Thanks for your thoughtful writing ❤️

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